Collection: Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that aims to improve the texture, tone, and appearance of the skin. It involves applying a mild solution, usually containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), to the skin's surface. This solution helps exfoliate the outermost layer of dead skin cells, revealing a fresher, smoother complexion beneath.

How It Works

During the procedure, a skincare specialist applies the chemical solution to the face or other treated areas. The solution works by loosening the bonds between dead skin cells, promoting their gradual shedding. This exfoliation process stimulates cell turnover, which can lead to a more youthful and radiant appearance. Chemical peels are often used to address fine lines, mild sun damage, uneven pigmentation, and mild acne scars.

Treatment Frequency

Chemical peels are usually gentle and have minimal downtime. Depending on the specific peel and the desired results, multiple treatments may be recommended. Treatment frequency varies, but sessions are typically scheduled every 2 to 4 weeks.

Side Effects

While superficial chemical peels are generally well-tolerated, there are some potential side effects to be aware of:

  1. Redness: Mild redness and irritation are common immediately after the procedure. This usually subsides within a few hours to a day.
  2. Peeling: As the name suggests, peeling of the treated skin is a normal part of the process. However, the peeling is usually subtle and manageable.
  3. Sensitivity: The treated skin may become more sensitive to sun exposure. It's important to use sunscreen and protect your skin from UV rays.
  4. Temporary Discoloration: Some individuals may experience temporary changes in skin color, but this typically resolves on its own.
  5. Allergic Reactions: While rare, allergic reactions or adverse skin responses can occur. A patch test prior to the full treatment may be recommended.
  6. Infection and Scarring: When performed by a skilled professional, the risk of infection or scarring is minimal. Proper aftercare can further reduce these risks.

Before getting a chemical peel, consult with one of our professionals to determine if it's suitable for your skin type and concerns. They can guide you on the right type of peel, number of sessions, and aftercare needed for optimal results and safety.

Chemical peel aftercare is crucial to ensure proper healing, minimize potential complications, and maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. Here are some general guidelines to follow after undergoing a chemical peel:

  1. Follow Professional Instructions: Always adhere to the specific aftercare instructions provided by your skincare professional. Different types of peels may require slightly different care routines.
  2. Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your skin from the sun by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, even if you're indoors. Sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation and worsen skin irritation after a peel.
  3. Avoid Heat: Stay away from saunas, hot baths, and activities that cause excessive sweating for a few days after the peel. Heat can exacerbate redness and irritation.
  4. Avoid Harsh Products: Refrain from using harsh skincare products that contain strong active ingredients (such as retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, or exfoliating acids) for a few days post-peel. These can irritate the treated skin.
  5. Gentle Cleansing: Use a gentle cleanser to cleanse your face. Avoid scrubbing or using abrasive washcloths.
  6. Moisturize: Apply a mild, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and soothe any dryness.
  7. Don't Peel or Pick: Allow any peeling or flaking skin to shed naturally. Do not pick or pull at it, as this can lead to scarring and complications.
  8. Avoid Makeup: If possible, avoid using makeup for the first 24 hours to allow the skin to recover.
  9. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help your body and skin heal from within.
  10. Avoid Swimming: Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools and hot tubs for a few days post-peel.
  11. Be Gentle: Be gentle with your skin while washing and drying it. Pat your skin dry rather than rubbing it.
  12. Stay Cool: To minimize redness and discomfort, consider using a cool compress or a fan.
  13. Prescription Medications: If you are using prescription skincare products, consult with your healthcare provider about when to resume using them after the peel.
  14. Follow-Up Appointments: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments to assess your skin's progress and make any necessary adjustments to your skincare routine.

Remember that the specific aftercare routine can vary depending on the depth and type of peel you received. Always consult with your skincare professional to get personalized advice on how to care for your skin after a chemical peel.