CO2 Resurfacing Laser

CO2 Resurfacing Laser is a medical procedure used for skin rejuvenation and the treatment of various skin concerns, such as wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and uneven skin texture. It involves using a carbon dioxide (CO2) laser to remove damaged outer layers of the skin, prompting the growth of new, healthier skin cells. This procedure is commonly referred to as CO2 laser skin resurfacing.

How It Works:

During the procedure, the CO2 laser emits a highly focused beam of light that vaporizes the targeted skin tissue in a controlled manner. This controlled removal of damaged skin layers prompts the body's natural healing process, stimulating collagen production and leading to smoother, firmer skin over time.


The frequency of CO2 resurfacing laser treatments can vary based on the individual's goals and the specific concerns being addressed. Typically, only one treatment session may be needed to achieve noticeable results, but some individuals may require multiple sessions for more severe skin issues such as atrophic acne scars.

Side Effects:

CO2 resurfacing laser treatment is an invasive procedure and can have associated side effects, which might include:

  1. Redness and Swelling: There is often redness and swelling immediately after the procedure, which may last for several days to a week.
  2. Peeling and Flaking: As the treated skin heals, it may peel and flake, revealing new skin underneath.
  3. Discomfort: Mild discomfort or a sensation similar to a sunburn might be experienced after the procedure. Pain management strategies can help alleviate this.
  4. Hyperpigmentation or Hypopigmentation: Changes in skin pigmentation can occur, leading to darker or lighter areas on the treated skin.
  5. Infection: There is a risk of infection, especially if proper aftercare instructions are not followed.
  6. Scarring: While rare, there is a possibility of scarring, especially if the treated area becomes infected or is not cared for properly.
  7. Long Recovery Period: Recovery time can be several weeks, during which you may need to avoid sun exposure and follow specific aftercare instructions.

Before undergoing CO2 resurfacing laser treatment, it's important to consult with one of our medical professionals. They will assess your skin type, concerns, and medical history to determine if you're a suitable candidate for the procedure. Additionally, they can provide you with detailed information about what to expect before, during, and after the treatment, as well as proper post-procedure care to ensure the best possible results and minimize potential complications.


Post-care after CO2 resurfacing laser treatment is crucial to ensure proper healing and achieve the best possible results. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

1. Follow Medical Advice: Adhere to the specific post-care instructions provided by our team. These instructions might be tailored to your individual needs and the extent of the treatment.
2. Keep the Treated Area Clean:
- Gently cleanse the treated area with a mild cleanser as instructed by your provider.
- Use clean hands or a soft cloth, avoiding harsh scrubbing.
3. Apply Recommended Topicals:
- Apply any prescribed ointments, creams, or moisturizers according to the given instructions. These products can help with healing and hydration.
4. Use Sun Protection:
- Avoid sun exposure and protect your treated skin from UV rays for several weeks post-treatment.
- Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF regularly, even if you're indoors.
5. Minimize Makeup:
- Avoid applying makeup to the treated area for the first few days, or as directed by your provider.
6. Avoid Scratching or Picking:
- Refrain from scratching, picking, or forcefully removing any peeling skin. Let it naturally shed to prevent scarring.
7. Stay Hydrated:
- Drink plenty of water to aid in the healing process and maintain skin hydration.
8. Avoid Strenuous Activities:
- For the first week or two, avoid vigorous physical activities that could lead to excessive sweating and irritation.
9. Use Gentle Skincare:
- After the initial healing phase, switch to gentle skincare products to avoid irritating the treated skin.
10. Follow Up:
- Attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your provider to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns.
11. Patience is Key:
- Understand that results may not be immediate, and it takes time for the skin to fully heal and reveal its improved appearance.
12. Inform Your Provider:
- If you experience unusual pain, discomfort, prolonged redness, or any signs of infection, contact our team immediately.
Keep in mind that post-care instructions may vary based on the depth and intensity of the CO2 laser treatment, as well as your individual skin type and condition. Always prioritize the guidance provided by our team for the most effective and safe recovery.